I have just published a new tutorial over on my pages (can be found in my tips section on my sidebar) for colouring different skin tones...
there is afro-caribbean, asian, tanned skin and oriental...!!
1 hour ago
The mundane ramblings of a crafty woman and her dotty Red rottie.dog...
Just had a read. Thanks for a great tutorial. Debs xx
Thank you so much for doing these fab promarker tutorials. I have about 50 promarkers and so far have never been brave enough to actually to use them!! I think you might just have given me the confidence to have a go this week xx
I havent seen one of your tutorials yet, but just wanted to say that your colouring is just fab!!! x
hello, first of all your blog is just lovely and i just find in it something that i really would like but its just being so hard to find as nice as you have it here.
Ok lets go back a bit :)I am Lurdes Im from Azores Portugal but living in the UK.I love cross stitch so i would like to make this present for a this baby girls in the family that the real origins are Afro-Carribean. So I have been looking for an image of a baby girl with characteristically Afro... so i could turn into a cross stitch pattern. Thats when i came to found that image of that litlle girls and i clicked on your blog is there anyway i could use it for my cross stitch pattern ? Would you mind?Thank you
Sedrul..i have no way of contacting you but please feel welcome to be inspired by my picture x
Thank you so much for your answer only today i saw it. My email is luluangel_11@hotmail.com i dont know if its asking to much but could you send me a nice closer image of your image the first little afro girl when ready painted that you show on the skin tones tutorial. It's just because it bigger and clearer the better to use on the cross stitch program otherwise it will look unfocused but if it is to much trouble or its not possible for you its ok i am very happy and thankfull already for the fact of you letting me use your image. :)thank you thank you thank you. Lurdes
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